Mohit Kapoor, director and producer of fashion shows, has said that he is watching the current season of Bigg Boss 17 and that he doesn’t think anyone on the show appears real. He thinks actress Soniya Bansal was wrongfully kicked from the show.
Bigg Boss 17 is more like a daily soap opera or a manufactured drama than a genuine reality show, critics have said. “It often seems like a scripted storyline, with love triangles, villains, and unexpected twists, making it resemble a soap opera rather than a genuine reality show,” he says, adding, “I haven’t been able to see the contestants’ true personalities as expected.” It’s hard to keep track of who’s with whom, since Isha shifts between Abhishek and Samarth, for example. I don’t know what’s happening. But Ankita Lokhande is one of my favorite cast members, and Khanzaadi is a great episode.
He continues, “I didn’t really have a friend in the house, but yeah, Soniya is my friend who was inside the Bigg Boss house. I feel like she was kicked off the show too soon and didn’t get the attention she deserved. I don’t think her elimination was justified, and I believe she might have contributed more to the show.
He responds, “Yes, I was approached for this season, but I couldn’t participate.” when asked if he wants to be on the show. On the other hand, if the opportunity presented itself again, I would take it. I want to be a part of the production soon. To be clear, I’m not the quiet sort; I’ve already predicted a lot of excitement if I end up there. So, if I have the chance, I’ll certainly give my best to delight the audience.”
The Bollywood celebrity and host is praised for being “one of the perfect hosts,” as he puts it. There’s a good reason why he doesn’t hold back from telling contestants how he really feels during his appearances on Weekend Ka Vaar. If he doesn’t say anything, the contestants can lose their nerve. He’s the perfect Bigg Boss host because he’s like a perennial that never goes away.